Earned badge

The Goal Minded Teacher: Challenges to Transform Student Learning (1st edition) - #EduGoalsMooc
Felix Jose Alcaide Carrera
Owner of this badge participated in MOOC INTEF "The Goal Minded Teacher: Challenges to Transform Student Learning" (1st edition) - #EduGoalsMooc. Edition February 13th to March 23th 2018. He/She has successfully completed the course activities and fulfilled its ojectives. Moreover, this MOOC has helped him/her reach level B1 of competence 1.1. Browsing, searching and filtering data, information and digital content; B1 of competence 1.2. Evaluating data, information and digital content; B2 of competence 2.1. Interacting through digital technologies; B1 of competence 2.2. Sharing information and digital content; C2 of competence 2.4. Collaborating through digital technologies; B2 of competence 2.6. Managing digital identity; C1 of competence 3.2. Integrating and re-elaborating digital content; and C1 of competence 5.3. Innovation and use of digital technologies creatively of the Common Digital Competence Framework for Teachers.